Add Labels to Colors that are visible without clicking on them
It would be nice to add a label to colors that can help us easily identify specifically what we are using that color for without having to click on it to see its Comments, Notes, or Tags. I don't know if you would add the label directly on the color swatch itself, below it, above it. Doesn't really matter to me. Whatever works.
I'll give you a real-world use case. I'm using Playbook to record all the colors I'm using on a new WordPress website I'm building. The theme allows me to choose a wide assortment of colors like: Primary
Primary Light
Primary Dark
Secondary Light
Secondary Dark
Text Color
Headings Color
Headings Hover Color
Link Color
Link Hover Color
I can add these colors to Playbook but as it stands, I have no way to easily see what color is what after I add them, without the need click into the color to read a Comment, Note, or Tag. Not the best experience.
Alex Zirbel
Alex Zirbel
Hi STEVE SOLER, you can edit the asset's title and it'll show up above the color code. Does that work for you? It's what we do to organize the Playbook colors — see an example below
Alex Zirbel: That is perfect actually! I had no idea that field was editable. Thank you! I guess you can delete this request now. lol
Alex Zirbel
STEVE SOLER: Great to hear! I'll mark it as complete so others can find it if they have the same question.