Please add download controls when it comes to publishing view. Right now it is virtually impossible to use this platform as a Google Drive alternative since people cannot bulk download assets.
Download controls would be ideal in 3 forms:
  1. Within the hierarchy view in the left side panel, drop-down options could be added near every board and sub-board that would allow for options such as downloading.
  2. Within the viewport where the assets are stored, sub-boards are presented separately. A dropdown near every sub-board name that would allow for options such as downloading would be great.
  3. There is no option right now to individually select assets. A right-click functionality such as Google Drive's would be more than ideal, allowing for options such as downloads.
  4. When selecting every asset within the board (CTRL + A) there is no download option popping up. You can only download separately once you managed to actually select items. Please add a bulk download button/functionality.